About Us

Hey there, we're just three regular guys with a not-so-regular dream - to create a clothing brand that resonates with people like us. We don't have fancy backgrounds in fashion, but what we do have is a genuine passion for style and self-expression.

Founder 1: The Business Man
Meet Samuel, the business brain behind our brand. He's the one who keeps the ship sailing smoothly, handling everything from budgets to partnerships. With a sharp mind for strategy and a knack for negotiation, he's the reason we can keep our clothing both stylish and affordable. He ensures our brand stays on course, making sure we can continue to share our passion for fashion with the world.

Founder 2: The Tech Guy
Meet Flavio, our resident tech whiz. He's the one who brings our brand into the digital age. With a knack for all things tech-related, he ensures that our online presence is as sleek as our clothing. From optimizing our website for a seamless shopping experience to keeping us at the forefront of digital trends, he's the digital mastermind behind the scenes. His passion for technology fuels our e-commerce success, making sure you can find your favorite pieces with just a click.

Founder 3: The People Person
Say hello to Björn, our social butterfly. For every requirement, he knows the right people. He's the heartbeat of our brand, connecting with our amazing customers, suppliers, models on a personal level. He believes that clothing is more than just fabric; it's a means of self-expression and individuality. He's the friendly face that brings warmth to our brand, making you feel right at home in our fashion community.